Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Speed camera city wants to upgrade to A3

Cologne - The speed camera on Heumarer triangle on the A 3 washes each year over three million euros in the city coffers.
Now, the flash unit should be strong armed. The flash unit can currently monitor a lane-lane motorway in the direction of Oberhausen. And even in the outdated "wet film technique."
In addition, the exchange traffic between the computer system that displays the different speed limits, and the radar system is completely outdated.
In the plant was put into service until 2004 - but with a dinosaur computer. The fall out constantly, which means high revenue losses. Because of "good days" fall there are 500 speeders within 24 hours into the trap.
Now the city wants to upgrade: soon to be fully measured by new Messfeldsensoren in all three lanes. A digital photo documentation gives crisp, clear pictures of the speeder. This should flush more money into the city coffers.
Only 176,000 euros would be invested to do so. Accident Commission of the District government has already agreed to. Also, the Cologne politicians have signaled approval.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

"Sado-Leso" at the Countess

Dusseldorf - You could call it well, "Sado-Leso" on Saturday night were the "home of the Countess," Domina Düsseldorf's most exclusive gym, not swinging the whips. It dominated the floor.
The Cologne author Carla Berling read in an unusual environment of her novel "The Postman Always Rings master."
A trained journalist, describes it as a woman searching for love and the man who is worth it to surrender to him. Clear that this was also about SM.
The "Countess" Verena Scharloff: "I met Carla Berling some time ago. A fascinating woman with a great voice. "The invitation is the author gladly accepted. "The atmosphere fits."
61 Guest enjoyed champagne and chocolates in the evening, went to the end until well after midnight. Following this success, the countess is planning the next coup: "There is a cabaret program with respect to SM. I would like for 23 Birthday of our studio in November to get to Dusseldorf. "

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Linda saw the giants fall

Cologne - Cologne 99ers can bury their hopes for a playoff berth well. On Sunday evening EnergyDome put it in the 64:83-a bitter home defeat against Frankfurt.
Since the presence of two celebrities helped anything. DSDS-Linda Teodosiu Goldkehlchen enthusiastic with a certain singing, Cologne's mayor Fritz Schramma also paid a visit. Both have witnessed how could the 99ers take apart.
Stunned, the view from Head Coach Obradovic went into space - exhausted after 40 minutes was full of emotion, usually so impulsive Serbs away the spittle.
Up to a strong start with an interim phase of 17:5-leadership and a brief spurt in the third quarter managed to Cologne's nothing. Result of human misery, the 99ers can not be in the hot phase of the season appear to compete.
With only seven healthy players and a mini-rotation, the Cologne approach was quickly out of control. Frankfurt won with skilful zone coverage and was uploading soon freed.
The 99ers, however came with the pressure to succeed cope after the strong showing of Master Bamberg at all, now have just four points off a playoff berth. Obradovic: "We have lost today against the clearly better team. The failure of many injuries, we can not easily compensate for. "

Friday, April 9, 2010

We look forward to the street

Street party to celebrate and do something good. So the business owners want to connect to the peasant road in this year's business with pleasure and raise money for "helping us".
Although the street until 27 June 28 and rising, even now are donations boxes in the shops. Some retailers on the project Landmann street to street can also think of something special.
"I have this extra special sunglasses, which I sell," says Heinz-Josef Meller of the eponymous perfume. ,, The money ends up in the donation box, each additional donation is also welcome. "Thus, to pour the tea business cologne for a donation a special tea.
The money goes to the fundraiser, "we help" under the auspices of Hedwig Neven DuMont. Is focused this year on the topic of child poverty. The traders hope that comes together to check delivery in three weeks a proud sum.
For a good atmosphere and music of 27 kölsche to 28 June is taken care of: on stage on Lenauplatz and on the road Subbelrather occur including the Filue, de Vajabunde which Krageknöpp and various cover bands.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

On the road with a navigation Programmers

Concentrated George Herring (41) sits behind the wheel of his dark blue vans, driving at a snail's pace through a new development area of Cologne. He turns to the right, driving into a roundabout, turning a lap and goes out again exactly where he is purely driven. Does he have to proceed? No. He does his job.
George Herring is a German of 70 geographic analysts at the U.S. company NAVTEQ. 365 days a year he is with a GPS antenna on the roof of the car and a camera on the dashboard in Cologne and its surroundings on the road - all the leaves from streets before they end up at some point in our navigation. And they were the world's largest computer fair CeBIT in Hanover (ends today), the winner.
A day-long Sunday Express has accompanied the geographic analysts in his arduous work. But who, he tells us, even now replaced by anything else: "Even satellite images, we can not use. Finally, traffic signs are seen from above, not more than one line. In addition, the subsequent Navi software can precisely only by the shut-down every street reflect the view of the motorist. "
"Start of new street. Name: Locomotive Street. Speedzone 30th "During the journey, George Herring speaks the names of the streets and the speed limit at the microphone on his headset. Everything in English, because the data collected is afterwards sold throughout the world.
That the slow car look with the plate-sized antenna on the roof again surprised passers-by after and annoyed honking motorists, is everyday life for George Herring. "To outsiders, it looks just like this as we would often drive around meaningless or did not know where we want," he sighs.
But what looks so easy yet not everyone can. "Most of us have studied geography," he explains. "It takes a very good sense of direction, to be perfectly able to read maps while driving and it should depend on a course not be bad."
Lots of stamina is also an advantage. For, because the road is always something changing, the work of the data collector no end. "That's a good thing," he says. "When I look behind my work in the Navi, I'm quite proud of. For if I had not missed the track that could lead anyone Navi there. "
Also of interest
Thus, the Navi-detective work