Thursday, May 27, 2010

Mother kills her baby - three years in prison!

Dusseldorf - Nathalie B. (38) has killed her own baby, and thus destroyed themselves and their family.
On Tuesday, the young mother desperate to three years and three months in prison was sentenced - a mild sentence. Richter, Rudolf Wolff spoke of a "terrible tragedy".
At the beginning, Wolff, was "a fatal error." Nathalie B. already had two children (six and nine years old), for which they cared lovingly.
Years she needed time to break free from the clutches of the father of her children, of a despot. And they finally found a new love and happiness.
Her new boyfriend, so she believed that no other youth wanted more. Here was the mistake. As an example, said Nathalie new pregnancy, panic welled up inside her.
Rather than trust someone, they "burned" in the fear to be abandoned. Richter, Rudolf Wolff said: "This was the fatal error, which accounts for the particular fateful indeed."
 The florist concealed her pregnancy. As into labor, she gave before stomach. The worried father brought his daughter to St. Mary's Hospital. There came to the world baby Jenna. The little girl lived only two hours ...
The birth was without abnormalities. In the clinic gave Nathalie B. Incorrect data. The consultant said on Tuesday: "There were so hopeful that after this child, no one asks."
With the small bundle under his arm left Nathalie as the hospital, two hours crouched in despair in a long hallway. Then she decided to kill Jenna.
Rudolf Wolff: "This was not planned." Where is the corpse remains to this day ungeklärt.Immer again more lies dished Nathalie B.. Also appeared as the youth, she denied her baby.
A confession elicited from her judge Rudolf Wolff to court. Nathalie B. can not even live with the truth. Her two children live on time in foster care.
Advocate Joachim Müller hopes that "my client their children with the participation of the youth may soon see again."
Read also: Mother confesses to killing her baby> Richter offers mother mild sentence at>

Friday, May 21, 2010

Long drives away all

St. Moritz -
André Lange (36) is currently unbeatable.
The bobsled pilot from Oberhof celebrated on the natural ice rink in St. Moritz a double victory in two and four and four weeks before the Olympics was in the form of gold.
In the four-man he was crowned the 150th Start with the 45th World Cup Success. Lange: "This is just huge. I would enjoy the success. "
But the other Bob-Aces impressed in the Swiss ski resort Nobel. Karl Angerer (Königssee) drove in four with a gap of 0.25 seconds in length to second place. The celebrated German women led by Cathleen Martini (Oberbärenburg) the first triple triumph of the Olympic winter.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Fewer international visitors at Rhein-ships

Dusseldorf - especially in Japanese are the white-Rhine ferries popular: The Asian visitors accounting for 60 percent of the guests on the ships of the Köln-Düsseldorfer (KD) from.
But because of the economic crisis, it attracts fewer and fewer international tourists to the Rhine. The number of international passengers KD was reduced in the second quarter of 2009 to more than a quarter, "said board member Norbert Schmitz KD.
However: In the summertime, the ferries in recent weeks were mainly from domestic travelers "occupied extremely good".
At the same time the fleet is currently being booked less and less for large corporate events. Weddings on the Rhine, however, are still popular.
Overall, the move KD to the ticket sales on last year's level, "said Schmitz. Now the Rhine sailors are hoping for summer and sunny weather.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Rapists flew after eleven years on

Bonn - Commissioner Chance and DNA analysis: The Bonn prosecutor's after eleven years of a rapist had been traced.
The 33-year-old Bonner is dragged in May 1998 in Tannenbusch a 18-year-old from the bike and have dragged into the bushes. Soon he is sitting on the dock.
The young woman was in the night of 18 May 1998 on the way home. She was with friends at a birthday party, had made against three clock at night on their way again. Equal to the bus stop Tannenbusch-South man pulled her from the wheel, then dragged the 18-year-old into the bushes and raped her.
The victim went to the police DNA experts were unable to secure material capable of the offender. Then a long time nothing happened. Until two years ago.
 The Bonner was in another case, the subject of investigations. The 33-year-old in the process voluntarily gave a saliva sample.
Behold: An adjustment in the State Crime has established that although the officers here not as the perpetrators came into question. But the DNA analysis files, but the investigators pointed to a query: The trail led to the unsolved rape case Tannenbusch.
Now the prosecutor has brought charges against the suspects. He is sitting in court soon on the dock. The 33-year-old has made no statement to the police so far. Threaten him a few years of jail.
And this is still at a premium: For a current probation could be revoked. Three years ago, it has the district court to 16 months jail suspended sentence - because of sexual assault of a child.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Embarrassment for Hitzfeld, revenge for England

Hamburg - disgrace for Hitzfeld, fürEngland successful revenge, relief in France and Domenech: Against soccer ZwergLuxemburg conceded the Swiss national coach Ottmar Hitzfeld amzweiten match day of qualifying for 2010 World Cup entirely überraschendeine 1:2 home defeat.
The "Three Lions" by coach Fabio Capellofeierten on Wednesday night against a convincing 4:1-success heimstarken two Croats who had done the metropolitan football in the European Championship qualifier two bitter defeats, and thus blocked the way zurEURO.
After the 1:3-opener RaymondDomenech went bankrupt in Vienna with a 2-1 home win against Serbia's French Kopfvorerst from the noose. World champion Italy won 2-0 gegenGeorgien and European champion Spain remained confident inSchach Armenia 4-0. Portugal lost against the top match of Group 1 with 2:3 in the last minute against Denmark.
In the first competitive game as national team coach, ex-Bayern-TrainerHitzfeld hinnehmenmüssen in Group 2, a last-minute-2: 2 in Israel against Luxembourg now followed a memorable bust.
DieFührung for the FIFA world rankings-152. by the ex-Gladbach-Kaiserslautern and Jeff Strasser (27.) Blaise N'Kufo two minutes could not compensate for the Near term, but after the winning goal for denFußball Dwarf by Alphonse Leweck (86.) was beaten to Switzerland.
"The football can sometimes be brutal, we discredited today bisauf the bones," Hitzfeld stated after the game in Zurich. DieSchweiz assigned a counter only fifth place in the 2nd group
Enjoyed a pleasant evening, however, Capello in Zagreb. Presence of first test as England coach convinced his Teamauf down the line. The 19-year-old Theo Walcott completed the Croats who were previously in 35 European Championship and World Cup qualifying matches unbeaten on heimischemBoden, with three hits (26., 59, 82.) almost imAlleingang.
Also met after a long dry spell in the national jersey Wayne Rooney (63.). Coached by Slaven Bilic for the European Championship quarter-finalists, flew with the captain Nico Kovac (53.) after einemEllbogencheck from the square, met Mario Mandzukic (78.).
Domenech's job saved through goals from Henry SuperstarThierry Barcelona (54.) and Nicolas Anelka (64.) initially; derAnschluss for Serbs by Branislav Ivanovic was too late.
Austria, which had nochüberzeugt against France at the start of group 7, 0:2 cashed in Lithuania during its first Pleiteunter coach Karel Brückner fox. Double goalscorer Daniele De Rossi (17., 90.) took care of the 2:0-tern success of Italy in Udine gegenGeorgien in Group 8
In group 5 shot, the Spaniards nachToren by Joan Capdevila (7.), David Villa (16., 79.) and MarcosSenna (82.) to 4-0 against Armenia and the table top.
A big disappointment experienced Berti Vogts: the früherenBundestrainer coached the national team arrived in Baku, Azerbaijan timate only 0-0 against Liechtenstein. Otto Rehhagel won the other hand, with ex-European champion Greece 2-0 in Latvia: Leverkusen TheofanisGekas (10., 49.) was the man with two goals of the evening.
The vomNiederländer Guus Hiddink trained Russians derDeutschen next opponent in Group 4, sat down in Moscow with a 2-1 effort against Wales. "Joker" Pavel Pogrebnyak (81. minute) kept denvermeintlich strongest group opponents in Germany with his spätenTor before a false start.
The Netherlands, who had no play at the start, celebrated in derGruppe 9 inMazedonien under their new coach Bert van Marwijk a 2-1 victory. Until the EM by Brückner trained Czechs in Group 3 kamenin addition, under the direction of Petr Rada on a 0-0 inNordirland not.
Disappointed, who looked even the Portuguese, diein Group 1 against Denmark after a goal by Nani (42.) long Zeitwie the sure winner. In the final minute überschlugensich then the events. Nicklas Bendtner compensation (84.) replied to Chelsea's midfield star Deco nor with the erneutenFührung Portugal 86th minute penalty by ().
In Nachspielzeitdrehten Werder Bremen's Daniel Jensen and the ex-Schalke ChristianPoulsen still the game in favor of the Scandinavians, by das3: 2 which now has four points in the table, Portugal outdated.