Sunday, May 9, 2010

Rapists flew after eleven years on

Bonn - Commissioner Chance and DNA analysis: The Bonn prosecutor's after eleven years of a rapist had been traced.
The 33-year-old Bonner is dragged in May 1998 in Tannenbusch a 18-year-old from the bike and have dragged into the bushes. Soon he is sitting on the dock.
The young woman was in the night of 18 May 1998 on the way home. She was with friends at a birthday party, had made against three clock at night on their way again. Equal to the bus stop Tannenbusch-South man pulled her from the wheel, then dragged the 18-year-old into the bushes and raped her.
The victim went to the police DNA experts were unable to secure material capable of the offender. Then a long time nothing happened. Until two years ago.
 The Bonner was in another case, the subject of investigations. The 33-year-old in the process voluntarily gave a saliva sample.
Behold: An adjustment in the State Crime has established that although the officers here not as the perpetrators came into question. But the DNA analysis files, but the investigators pointed to a query: The trail led to the unsolved rape case Tannenbusch.
Now the prosecutor has brought charges against the suspects. He is sitting in court soon on the dock. The 33-year-old has made no statement to the police so far. Threaten him a few years of jail.
And this is still at a premium: For a current probation could be revoked. Three years ago, it has the district court to 16 months jail suspended sentence - because of sexual assault of a child.