Friday, February 5, 2010

All year long strike?

Berlin - food, electricity, gas, petrol - everything is more expensive, the purchasing power decreases. To balance the trade union Verdi and IG Metall union demand whopping pay increases of eight percent or more.
As clashes are programmed with the employers. The signs are on strike.
Obviously, the year 2008, a mega-price year, "said IG Metall boss Berthold Huber. He expects high wage settlements, but would have to be hard-fought.
In the iron and steel industry, where the collective agreement expires at the end of January, the IG Metall demands 8 percent more money. In the autumn following the round of collective bargaining for the metal and electric industry. Huber: Before you strike would not hesitate.
Also in the garbage disposal, urban transport, government agencies and hospitals threaten to strike. For the 1.3 million employees in the public service of the federal government and municipalities, the services tungsgewerkschaft Verdi and the dbb Tarifunion 8 percent demand more money, but at least 200 euros per month. Verdi boss Bsirske: "We have a real pent-up demand."
The bottom line is that the employees were accounted for four years, loss of income. Now it was determined to assert themselves - if necessary by strikes.
In plain language: it comes in on 10 January at the negotiations to agree, could go on strike across Germany for weeks garbage men, bus drivers, hospital staff and administrators.
Hagen Lesch, tariff expert of the Institute of German Economy (IW) in Cologne: "In the public service threaten long strike. For the demand of 8% is extremely high. Many municipalities are heavily indebted, however, can not pay such high costs. Therefore, I expect a long and hard bargaining round. "
In other sectors is likely to strike. The start could make the train drivers union GDL. Are there wage dispute with the train until the weekend, no solution should be indefinite strike from Monday.